Rúben Teixeira | Intern, Faculty of Engineering, Lusófona University, Portugal
April 17, 2024 | 13h30-13h45 | Room C.1.5 | Lusófona University, Lisbon, Portugal
Abstract: The BuildingAdapt research project has building A of Lusófona University in Lisbon as a case study. The main goal of this project is to identify the best rehabilitation strategies to guarantee the environmental comfort of the building's occupants, considering current and future climatic conditions.
Based on the 3D modeling of building A in Building Information Modeling (BIM), using Autodesk Revit software, from a 3D Point Cloud survey, it was possible to include all the building's architectural characteristics as well as the corresponding building materials. After completing the model, Rhino 3D software was integrated into Revit. These analyses were performed using Grasshopper with Ladybug and Honeybee plug-ins, which allow an energy analysis of the building to be carried out based on specific climate data from the building. An
epw. file with climate data was used for Lisbon region. This interaction between software makes it possible to create different energy simulations, namely, to determine the solar radiation incident on the surfaces surrounding the building (roof and facades). Also, the internal illuminance at different times of the day and the variation in the ambient temperature of internal spaces were determined.
Based on these analyses, different rehabilitation solutions will be defined to improve the building's energy performance. The results will allow Lusófona University to make an informed decision on how to renovate building A.
Short Bio: Rúben Teixeira is a 3rd year undergraduate student in Civil Engineering and worked on the FAZER + BuildingAdapt project from September 2023 to August 2024.