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universidade lusófona

Summer School on Sustainable Design and Construction of Road Pavements

July 1-5, 2024

July 1-5, 2024, Online | July 8-12, In-person, Lisbon, Portugal, be-READY Summer School

We are happy to announce that the be-READY Summer School has been confirmed, with instructors from seven European institutions! 

The topics that will be addressed in the summer school include:

  • Origin and production processes of recycled materials;
  • Physical, mechanical, and environmental characterisation of recycled materials;
  • Physical, mechanical, and environmental characterisation of recycled materials;
  • Design of recycled pavement materials;
  • Road construction and maintenance processes, including recycled pavement materials;
  • Quality control and performance assessment during the life cycle.


* The link to the online classes will be sent closer to the date.

  • Overview – Presentation of be-READY Project. Introduction and Identification of the problem
  • Climate change – Future climate change forecasts and challenges
  • Materials I – Application of alternative materials in bound layers
  • Materials II – Application of alternative materials in unbound layers
  • Technical Specification – LNEC’s technical specifications as a support for the use of alternative materials
  • Monitoring – In-situ characterisation of pavements
  • Design I – General principles of pavement design
  • Design II – Manuals for predesigning pavement with alternative materials
  • Rehabilitation Technologies I – Constructive processes for bituminous mixtures production with incorporation of by-products
  • Rehabilitation Technologies II – Innovative technologies to extend road pavement durability


  • Ana Cristina Freire, Senior Researcher at National Laboratory for Civil Engineering, Portugal
  • Berthe Dongmo-Engeland, Associate Professor at Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway
  • Emiliano Pasquini, Associate Professor at Università di Padova, Italy
  • Fernando Martinho, Researcher FM Consult/JRS, Portugal
  • Hilda de Pablo, Assistant Professor at Universidade Lusófona – Centro Universitário de Lisboa, Portugal
  • José Neves, Assistant Professor at Instituto Superior Técnico da Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
  • Luís Picado Santos, Full Professor at Instituto Superior Técnico da Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
  • Maria de Lurdes Antunes, Principal Research at National Laboratory for Civil Engineering, Portugal
  • Rui Micaelo, Associate Professor at NOVA School of Science and Technology, Portugal
  • Vítor Antunes, Assistant Professor at Universidade Lusófona – Centro Universitário de Lisboa, Portugal

How to apply?
Necessary information for registration:

  • Name
  • E-mail contact
  • Institution
  • Study field
  • Graduation year

Please fill the form:

The students who complete the course will receive a Certificate emitted by Lusófona University.

For more information please contact Vítor Antunes: Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.

Working together for a green and competitive Europe.